Day 121: What a lovely day. I haven't said that in awhile. It feels good.
We left later than we wanted but we made it to our destination and decided on some new furniture.
Later we spent the evening making dinner at someone-who-we love's house. She really appreciated a home cooked meal. Then we got busy playing Wii and having loads of fun. We left late but it was worth staying up.
We have not had a Saturday that good in a long time. We both really needed it.
Day 122: The day did not get off to a good start. I was tired and grouchy and a chain of events led me to staying in bed rather than getting up to get us all ready for church. I'm disappointed in myself and I am going to keep in mind what happened so that we can go next week.
He really pulled the day together after the rough morning and we got all ready and left again. We spent the day getting a few things done but ran out of time to get what I needed to get done. He told me to drop him and the toddlers off at the house so that he could get it picked up and to take myself and the baby to the store and enjoy my time. I did just that. I went and got a few things and it felt nice to not rush around.
I came home and helped finish picking up the house and then he left with an approved guy member of our family to go to a basketball game. Meanwhile, I stayed home with the babies and approved member's wife and her little one. We did some crafts with the babies and then settled in and eventually said goodnight and I put everyone down to sleep.
My husband got home sooner than I expected which was so nice and so we snuggled up and watched something together before going to bed.
What a fun weekend we had. There were some bumps along the way but we made it.
Sometime during the weekend we were sitting together on the couch and he said to me, "I don't want the storm." I think him recognizing what was coming and equipping himself made all the difference. I really do.
Day 123: Once again he took me out to get some things done that I needed to get done. He is either putting a lot of thought and effort into making me happy or is it just coming naturally these days but either way he is doing a good job. I think I feel my face smiling a little bit right now thinking about the last few days that we've had.
I feel like we are turning a bit of a corner and, as scary as that is, I'm going to let it happen.
Oh, and we wait until the 24th of February to celebrate Valentine's Day. It was the day that he arrived in Paradise 7 years ago where we ended up getting engaged just a few short weeks later. It is corny and cheesy but it is us and we are not going to change it. Stayed tuned...
242 days. What a fun weekend!
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