Day 43: I love the day after Thanksgiving almost as much as I love Thanksgiving. No, I did not go shopping this morning! It is the day that we put up our Christmas tree and get ready for the festivities that surround the birth of our Lord!
Today we decided that after my husband's half shift is over at work (I can't tell you how happy I am that he will be home before the babies go to bed!) that we are going to go out and pick up a few things. No crazy shopping but pick up any good deals that fit the people we are shopping for. Tomorrow we will put up our tree and decorate. It will be a fun Saturday morning. I am going to make some homemade cinnamon rolls, he will make coffee (and I will sip my 1/4 cup well into the afternoon after reheating many times) and we will put on holiday music.
I really enjoy Christmas. I love that, as a family, we have a tradition of only buying the babies 3 gifts each, just as Jesus received 3 gifts, in the theme of J-O-Y (Jesus-Others-You). I love that my little man has already asked me what kind of cake we are going to make for Jesus. I love that they sing Jesus Loves Me, and other Bible songs, spontaneously. I love the idea of friends and family and food and love. I love the gift that Jesus gave us all, forgiveness. I love it.
Forgiveness. I love that forgiveness with Jesus is so easy. All you have to do is ASK.
In all of this I have tried to ask myself how Jesus would react to me. Would he grant me forgiveness if I asked? Yes. So I have given it to my husband. I have forgiven my husband.
For some, an affair (or many affairs in my case) ruins the holidays. It reminds them of better days and happier memories. For me I choose to not let this take away our holidays. I choose to be as much like Jesus as I can.
I am not sure what I will buy my husband this year for Christmas, but I do know that everyday I will again give him forgiveness until I feel like we are healed from this. I hope this Christmas it is the best gift that he receives.
322 days. Let the festivities begin!
My husband told me tonight that being allowed to still live in this house after his affair is the best gift he could ever receive. I've chosen to forgive also. At first, I was afraid to say I forgave him because I thought that meant I'd never be angry about the affair anymore. I have forgiven him, but there are still moments in which the anger resurfaces.
ReplyDeleteI dreaded my birthday and Thanksgiving, thinking those would be horrible days for us. Actually, they weren't so bad. Wishing you the best as Christmas rolls around